Monday, June 25, 2007

Never enjoyed the rain so much

Its wired how every day of our lives are unique in their own ways... most times we choose to ignore this uniqueness and concetrate on the "gains and losses" or start planning for the next day rather than enjoying each day. Today is 25th June and I have completed exactly 6 years of a journey called job. Still remember this day in 2001 when I was a shy and kid who walked into a big building in Noida Sector 58 and started a journey. Things have changed since then and that kid is long gone. Did not remember this fact till the time I started writing....

From this morning I was waiting for the day to end. Monday blues, the heat of Delhi combined with 90% relative humidity made it impossible to even come out of the office for a smoke. when the day ended I boarded the office cab with a sigh of relief and noticed lightning flashing in the sky. Round about 10 pm a cool wind started to blow and by the time I reached home It started to pour. Took my evening beauty shower (the tank water was still warm) and turned on the internet radio, some contemporary jazz very soothing. A gust of cold wind swept me and I realized that it has been 6 years since I have been travelling.

It is still raining and I must confess that I never enjoyed the rain so much as I look over my shoulder to the last 6 years of my journey and all the experiences I have gathered in this time.


Unknown said...

first thought, best thought...

Subhadip said...

Great start! Being so long away from home, I can relate to your feelings. Happy blogging!